Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Let's Go Grab a Cup of Coffee

So many reasons and so many choices linked to that one hot beverage...

When do you drink it?
Hey! I'll meet you at Starbucks in an hour to hangout? OR
I need my caffeine!
Coffee is a universal drink with many uses. A lot of times people will go to a coffee shop to socialize or relax alone with a book. A cup of coffee also becomes a ritual for some, part of their daily routine.

What do you choose?
Coffee, Latte, espresso galore...
I always wondered, how do people decide what to order at a coffee shop? Do you try all the flavors and options in order to decide what you like best and then get that every day before work or every time you go there?

Regardless of the different types of coffee drinks. Why do people start drinking coffee in the first place. It's taste is definitely one I had to get used to. At first I didn't like the bitter taste and preferred tea. However now coffee is my best friend when it comes to late nights studying, or a chance to catch up with an old friend.

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