Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Superbowl Snicker ad: "You're Not You When You're Hungry"

I watched only parts of the Superbowl this year because I had no connection with either of the teams playing. However, I did watch some of it just to see the commercials. My favorite Superbowl commercial this year was one that I personally connected to, was memorable and funny.

I am a person who needs to eat every few hours in order to perform my best and not be cranky. I sometimes act like a different person when I need food and a candy bar would be a perfect solution for me. I like how the guy is playing football like "another person" (an old person) when he is hungry, and after that hunger is satisfied with a Snickers bar he is back to himself again. I re watched this commercial many times online after the Superbowl and discovered that there was an entire other side of the commercial that I was missing! I was unfamiliar with the reference to Betty White. Then, I looked her up and now remember her as being a famous and hilarious older female actress who was cast in the recent movie "The Proposal" and is more well known for being on the TV show "The Golden Girls." There is some definite vertical intertextuality going on here. The commerical is way more funny when you know what kind of a character Betty White is.

I also checked out a few sites about what other people thought about the Superbowl ads this year and this ad I liked was rated #2 best superbowl ad on

The review on this spot was:

"This was easy to pick. To be honest, it’s still not an amazing commercial, but it’s Betty White and… well, it’s easily one of the best of the Superbowl. Betty White is always funny, always smart, and always a blast to watch. If they just put her in front of a white screen and had her hawk a product, it would still be a Superbowl commercial favorite. She’s just that good."

Some serious tertiary text that influenced my interpretation of the text when I reevaluated it!

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